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The Skorath Prophecy is now available!

The Skorath Prophecy is finally here! At long last, the wait is now over. This book was originally written years ago. But after the release of Aberrant Star, I had learned so much about better writing that re-reading my manuscript made me cringe. I had broken all the cardinal rules. So, it was time for a re-write from the ground up. This book definitely has some of my best writing in it. And as I write more, I continue to...
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Coming Soon: The Skorath Prophecy

The Skorath Prophecy is currently in editing and formatting The time has finally come! After such a fun and exciting time writing the first draft, and then the re-write, it is now time to publish The Skorath Prophecy. The manuscript is now currently in editing and formatting. The cover design has also been finalized. The blurb on the back cover is still in revision. It has been a long and rewarding journey getting this story out into the world. And...
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The Last Wayfinder is in print!

The print edition of The Last Wayfinder At long last, the printed edition of The Last Wayfinder is now available for pre-order! This beautifully designed hardcover comes with a dust jacket. And be sure to take a peek at the cover beneath the jacket; you'll be glad you did. This printed edition comes with a never before seen prologue to set the stage, as well as an epilogue to tie up all the loose ends. An addition, each of the...
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The Last Wayfinder print edition coming soon

The print edition of The Last Wayfinder The final episode of The Last Wayfinder has been released and the final illustration is being drawn. Additionally the book cover and dust jacket are being designed! I wanted this printed edition to be something special, so "under the jacket" cover is a surprise with a few Easter eggs in the design. Also, each episode will have a beautiful cover page with its own illustration depicting one of the scenes in that episode....
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Episode 10: The Final Showdown – Part 2

I awoke with a start, hearing Miri’s approaching footsteps. The night sky was still dark but it hinted at the approaching morning. The black sky was not black anymore. It was instead a dark blue. I stood and offered my spot to Miri with a gesture of my hand. She handed me my mask and blast carbine before settling down for some sleep. I fastened on my mask and checked the energy level in the blast carbine’s power cell. It...
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