The Skorath Prophecy is finally here!
At long last, the wait is now over. This book was originally written years ago. But after the release of Aberrant Star, I had learned so much about better writing that re-reading my manuscript made me cringe. I had broken all the cardinal rules. So, it was time for a re-write from the ground up.
This book definitely has some of my best writing in it. And as I write more, I continue to improve. And now that this book is finished, I now can turn my attention to the sequel to Aberrant Star!
Would you like a sneak peek?
Watch the official book trailer!

In other news
Now that The Skorath Prophecy is complete, I can turn my attention back to the sequel to Aberrant Star as well as the new Sci-Fi serial that will be starting shortly. I also have several new stories in the queue, so stay tuned for news about them as well.
I will also be picking up where I left off on the audio-book version of Aberrant Star. I had to halt production to focus on completing the manuscript for The Skorath Prophecy. It will be great to pick it back up.
Also, if you missed the announcement about the next Sci-Fi serial story that is coming, free to read, you can find out here!
The Last Wayfinder is now available
If you haven’t yet picked up your copy of The Last Wayfinder, you can get it today!

If you would like to become a beta reader, please let me know in the comments below.