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Frontier of the Ancients (Solar Knights 2)
Alina and the Merlin Mysteries
Endowed by the Stars (Posikron 1)

Book Trailer Update

Thank you for checking in! The book trailer for Aberrant Star is almost complete. When it is ready it will be uploaded to YouTube and Amazon. I will have a link to it on the website. I hope you're just as excited about it as I am. In addition, I will be starting a free weekly serial story exclusively on this website, so you will be able to read some fresh writing every week. It won't be as polished as...
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Aberrant Star (KSW 1) Update

Great news! The final draft is about 80% complete. Just finishing up with the final rounds of editing. The cover image is now available and has been updated on the website. There will be some bonus content from the world-building of this story. It will be available on the website for you, shortly before the book launches in May. So stay tuned for that! Aberrant Star What about you? Are you excited to get a sneak peek at Aberrant Star?...
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