The Audio Book for Aberrant Star is now in production
After some technical delays, production of the audio book has begun. The first four chapters have been recorded already, making the entire book 10% recorded. The recordings will be produced every other week, providing time to continue writing The Last Wayfinder. With four to eight chapters scheduled to be recorded every other week, the entire recording should be completed in just a few months. Then the magic of digital mastery of the tracks can begin.
The Last Wayfinder is 70% complete. Seven episodes of the ten that have been planned have been posted. The last three episodes will be a real adventure, so stay tuned! Also, the first illustration for the printed version of The Last Wayfinder has arrived. The second illustration is in the works currently. A total of ten illustrations are planned. The printed version will also include extra features such as the backstory of the Wayfinders as well as the Kuda and the Davendries.
Work on the second draft of The Skorath Prophecy is coming along nicely. The prologue and the first four chapters have been written. If you missed reading the Prologue, you can see it here.
Aberrant Star is now available
If you haven’t yet picked up your copy of Aberrant Star, you can get it today on Amazon or your retailer of choice. Check out the preview!

If you would like to see the illustration for the first episode of The Last Wayfinder, let me know in the comments below.